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Monday, 22 December 2014

Arshad Mehmood: Hanged, then buried by crowds of well-wishers

Arshad Mehmood, a former military trooper, was among five convicts who were handed out the death sentence for their role in an Al Qaeda-inspired assassination attempt on Musharraf’s life in late 2003.
Mehmood was executed by hanging on Friday. He is among the first death sentences carried out after the government ended a six-year moratorium on executions, in response to the Peshawar school tragedy that claimed over 140 lives, the majority of whom were children.
His funeral was attended by a large crowd of supporters and well-wishers.
Villagers at the funeral prayers of Arshad Mehmood. -AFP Photo
Villagers at the funeral prayers of Arshad Mehmood. -AFP Photo
People carrying the body of executed militant Arshad Mehmood to his burial site. -AFP Photo
People carrying the body of executed militant Arshad Mehmood to his burial site. -AFP Photo
People carrying the body of Arshad Mehmood for his burial in Javera village. -AFP Photo
People carrying the body of Arshad Mehmood for his burial in Javera village. -AFP Photo
Villagers carrying the body of executed militant Arshad Mehmood. -AFP Photo
Villagers carrying the body of executed militant Arshad Mehmood. -AFP Photo
Villagers carrying the body of Arshad Mehmood in Javera village. -AFP Photo
Villagers carrying the body of Arshad Mehmood in Javera village. -AFP Photo
People gathering at the funeral prayers of executed militant Arshad Mehmood. -AFP Photo

People gathering at the funeral prayers of executed militant Arshad Mehmood. -AFP Photo

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